

현재 MJM 온라인 컬렉션을 통해 3543 점의 작품을 이용할 수 있습니다.

Recommend Entries 추천된 작품

- - Gustavsberg
Masked Iris
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Masked Iris Permild & Rosengreen
Masked Juno
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Masked Juno Permild & Rosengreen
Weihnachtsteller Christmas Plate) 1982
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller Christmas Plate) 1982 "Christ wird von Johannes dem Täufer getauft (Christ is Baptized by John the Baptist)" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1981  “Das Kind bei den Gelehrten im Tempel (The Child with the Scholars in the Temple)
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1981 “Das Kind bei den Gelehrten im Tempel (The Child with the Scholars in the Temple)" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1980
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1980 "Engel mit Glockenspiel (Angel with Chime)" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1978
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1978 "Engel Mit Harfe (Angel with Harp)" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1977
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1977 "Anbetung der Hirten (Adoration of the Shepherds)" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1975
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1975 "The Annunciation" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1974
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1974 "Helige 3 Könige" Balthasar Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1973
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1973 "Helige 3 Könige - Melchior" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1972
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller(Christmas Plate) 1972 "Helige 3 Könige - Caspar" Rosenthal
Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1971
Bjørn Wiinblad 비외른 비인블라드 Weihnachtsteller (Christmas Plate) 1971 "Mary with baby Jesus" Rosenthal
Kvinna med Tavla(Woman with Painting)
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Kvinna med Tavla(Woman with Painting) Gustavsberg
Matilda Series Pig Candleholder
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Matilda Series Pig Candleholder Gustavsberg
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Vase Gustavsberg
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Vase Gustavsberg
Faience Leaf Dish
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Faience Leaf Dish Gustavsberg
Wall Plaque Painted with Silver Paste
Börje Skohg 뵈리예 스코그 Wall Plaque Painted with Silver Paste Gustavsberg
Väggplatta-Gamla Stan (Wall Plate_Old Town)
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Väggplatta-Gamla Stan (Wall Plate_Old Town) Gustavsberg
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Vase Gustavsberg
Kennel Series Bulldog Mini
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Kennel Series Bulldog Mini Gustavsberg
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Sköldpadda(Turtle) Gustavsberg
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Sköldpadda(Turtle) Gustavsberg
Lilla Zoo Series Katt(Little Zoo_Cat)
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Lilla Zoo Series Katt(Little Zoo_Cat) Gustavsberg
Noaks Ark(Noah's Ark) Series
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Noaks Ark(Noah's Ark) Series "Elefanter(Elephants)" Gustavsberg
Wall Plate, Bird
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Wall Plate, Bird Gustavsberg
Bertil Vallien 베르틸 발리엔 "Townscape" Wall Plaque Hal Fromhold Studio
Bertil Vallien & Hal Fromhold 베르틸 발리엔과 할 프롬홀드 "Horse" Wall Plaque Hal Fromhold Studio
Bertil Vallien & Hal Fromhold 베르틸 발리엔과 할 프롬홀드 "Hippo" Wall Plaque Hal Fromhold Studio
Bertil Vallien & Hal Fromhold 베르틸 발리엔과 할 프롬홀드 "Lion" Wall Plaque Hal Fromhold Studio
Faience Tile
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Faience Tile Gustavsberg Studio
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 "Glädjeshus" Wall Plaque Gustavsberg
Faience Bowl
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Faience Bowl Gustavsberg
Christmas Art No2, Maria
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Christmas Art No2, Maria Gustavsberg
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Lithograph
Törnrosa(Sleeping Beauty)
Stig Lindberg 스티그 린드베리 Törnrosa(Sleeping Beauty) Gustavsberg
Menageri Series Spökmus(Ghost Mouse)
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Menageri Series Spökmus(Ghost Mouse) Gustavsberg
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 Venedig(Venice) Gustavsberg
Lisa Larson 리사 라르손 DrillSnäppa(Scolopacidae) Gustavsberg
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